Penny Simkin, PT, is a physical therapist who has specialized in childbirth education and labor support since 1968. She estimates she has prepared over 15,000 women, couples, and siblings for childbirth. She has assisted hundreds of women and couples through childbirth as a doula. She is author of several books for both parents and professionals. She has developed teaching materials for birth classes and produced several videos for educators, doulas, and families , the latest of which is for siblings-to-be, “There’s a Baby.” She is co-founder of DONA International and PATTCh (Prevention and Treatment of Traumatic Childbirth).

Penny has stepped back from her work on maternity care, education, and is focusing on family. It was not been an easy decision but a series of unexpected events has made it necessary for Penny to shift her focus away from the work she has loved for the past 53+ years.

Penny and her husband, Peter, have four grown children and eight grandchildren, three grandchildren-in-law, four great-grandchildren, and a dog, Casey.